Course Overview
This is a 2-day intensive training followed by a 6-12 month mentorship program. This course is delivered to your restaurant management team on-site in all provinces. In the notoriously competitive restaurant market, with a wide selection of restaurants all competing for sensitive customers, it is essential to maintain and grow your customer base by providing exceptional service to your customers.
Being renowned for your ability for consistently good service and wonderful food is key to your ongoing success. Restaurant and floor managers play an important role in ensuring that the restaurant runs efficiently at all times. This course will help you develop high performance teams.
This course is designed and facilitated by experienced hospitality industry professionals, to help restaurant management teams manage and lead high-performance teams, improving efficiency and increasing revenue & profits. We deliver this training on-site in all areas. Let us equip you with the skills to lead, manage, control, and develop high-performance teams.
Specific Outcomes
On completion, the learner will be able to do the following:
- Describe the importance of monitoring a restaurant service on an ongoing basis.
- Explain the reasons for dealing with staff who fail to meet standards according to company procedures.
- Explain the importance of ensuring that all staff has customer care skills is explained in terms of the interrelationship to customer satisfaction and cost.
- Explain the interrelationship between time and cost is explained in the manner in which overbooking should be handled.
- Explain the importance of using sales techniques when dealing with bookings is described in terms of professionalism and cost.
- Explain the reasons why the customer should be put first.
- Describe the reasons for communicating forecasted sales and objectives.
- Describe the importance of relevant and accurate reports.
- Monitor procedures to maintain the quality of the restaurant service are implemented and the standards.
- Ensure that staff is informed of general operating procedures and the importance of all staff adhering to the standard.
- Demonstrate the procedures for monitoring the condition of the dining area to ensure that it enhances the image of the organization.
- Explain the importance of a professional image and clear communication with guests by the restaurant staff.
- Given a range of problems, a decision is made and reasons are given based on individual circumstances. (Range of problems: equipment problems, staffing problems)
- Explain the importance of good communication between the front of house and back of house.
- Give the reasons why the staff is encouraged to identify problems and suggest ways to solve them is described in terms of the impact on motivation and cost to the company.
- Describe ways to obtain customer feedback.
- Explain the importance of interpersonal skills and the reasons for cultural considerations when interacting with customers.
- Describe the methods used to monitor staff-customer relations.
- Describe products and services provided by the organization and explain the importance of promoting them.
- Explain the importance of evaluating/dealing with complaints by using effective negotiating and communication skills, and describe alternative ways to resolve complaints.
- Given complaints about products and services, explain the importance of understanding company standards and identify the person responsible for resolving complaints.
- Describe ways of establishing rapport with customers and maintaining a professional relationship.
- Identify customer requirements and decide how best to deal with the request.
- Given a range of products and services, decide how best to promote the features and benefits, taking resources, the type of customer, and environment into account.
- Given a range of complaints, describe ways to rectify the complaints and explain reasons why these particular solutions have been chosen. (range of complaints related to products, services, environment, personnel).
- Suggest possible ways to improve the procedure for handling customer complaints and give reasons for each suggestion.
- Suggest ways of increasing customer satisfaction.
- State company procedure for resolving conflict within the department/organization.
- Explain the importance of having an effective communication system within the F&B department/organization.
- Define your area of responsibility and work priorities.
- Explain the reporting levels and lines of authority within the department.
- Describe the interrelationship between good working relationships and productivity.
- Treat other staff members (including colleagues in their department and colleagues from other departmpolitely and helpfullymanner and explain why this is important.
- Given a range of conflict situations decide which procedures to follow and give reasons for this decision.
- Demonstrate the communication system (verbal and written) between departments and explain why it is important to ensure it is maintained.
- Given a range of difficulties that affect one’s ability to meet own responsibilities, seek help from the appropriate person and take corrective action.
- Given a specific workload, prioritized give reasons why this order is selected.
- Given an entirely different field (e.g. banking, retail, or tourism), describe how performances would be adapted.
- Develop a strategy for improving communication within the department and with other departments.
Target Groups
This course is suitable for:
- Food & Beverage Managers
- Restaurant Managers
- Floor Managers
- Restaurant Owners - Those who are directly involved in the day-to-day running of the business
This short course is designed for both new and old managers in any restaurant, hotel, or resort.
Duration for this course is 2 days for existing staff, however, we need more time for new staff that does not have the experience. The minimum number required for on-site training is 6 staff. Contact us now for a quote.
Course Outline
This course is designed to help the management team manage the restaurant service and staff efficiently.
Here are the topics covered in this course:
- Managing restaurant equipment and stationery
- Managing time
- Monitoring appearance
- Monitoring the operation of systems
- Keeping staff informed
- Monitoring performance of staff
- Formal service quality systems
- Informal service quality systems
- Handling quality problems
- Forecasts and objectives
- Communicating changes
- Obtaining and circulating information
- Maximizing efficiency with communication
- Recording of information communicated
- Solve staffing problems
- Solve equipment problems
- Customer satisfaction and communication
- Cultural consideration
- Interpersonal skills
- Building a rapport and relationship with customers
- Establishing a professional rapport and relationship with colleagues and internal customers (suppliers)
- Supporting subordinates
- Customer feedback
- Effective survey techniques
- Customer requirements
- Providing information
- Directions
- Travel information
- Guest services
- Information, policy, and practice
- Referring requests outside your area of authority
- Following up requests
- Problems with meeting requirements
- Common complaints and appropriate action
- Evaluating/ dealing with complaints
- Dealing with customer complaints effectively
- Identifying the nature of the complaint or incident
- Reassuring the guest
- Tools for effective negotiation and communication
- The HEAT approach
- Customer complaints procedure
- Product and service complaints
- Environment complaints
- Personal complaints
- Written complaints
- Documenting complaints and giving feedback
- Efficient work practices
- Promoting products and services
- Dealing with other staff members
- What are the channels of communication?
- Improving internal communication
- Communication with your supervisor
- Organizational charts
- Dealing with staff in a polite and friendly manner
- Dealing with individual characters
- Effective communication with staff
- Welcoming new staff
- Dealing with conflict situations
- Causes of conflict
- Conflict management styles
- Conflict management tools
- The outcomes of conflict
- Conflict resolution
- Methods of conflict resolution
- Prioritizing work
- Dealing with obstructions and interruptions
- Dealing with difficulties
If you have 6 or more staff, we will come to your establishment and provide the training on-site/in-house. We offer on-site training in all provinces of SA and other countires. Contact us now for a reasonable quote by filling in the form below.